The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. The USCP protects and secures Congress so it can fulfill its constitutional and legislative responsibilities in a safe, secure, and open environment.Requirements:
Must have completed the FLETC Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) or USCP Basic Agent Training Program (BATP) or equivalent training program from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) or U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Certificate or FLETC transcript must be included with application.
If you need a copy of your FLETC transcript, you can request it through email at, call (912) 267-2457 or visit the following url:
Must possess a minimum of five (5) years of experience in an 1811 series at time of application. This requirement is waived for prior USCP employees.
Initial Assessment Phase
Following the pre-employment screening, candidates may be invited to participate in the Initial Assessment Phase of the USCP hiring process, all facets of which will be conducted virtually at a location of their choice. This phase consists of an Orientation. It provides the applicant with an overview of the USCP and its hiring process.
Examination Phase
The Examination Phase consists of psychological, medical and polygraph examinations. This will be a candidate’s first required visit to our office in Washington, D.C. during the hiring process. Efforts will be made to schedule these examinations consecutively to eliminate return visits to complete the examinations.
●Psychological – Candidates complete a battery of psychological assessments and a clinical interview. The psychological examination will last approximately four to six hours. Candidates are encouraged to be well-rested and eat prior to the examination.
The psychological exam will occur online and require the use of a desktop or laptop computer, camera, and microphone.
●Medical - The medical examination will determine if a candidate is medically qualified to perform the functional requirements of the job. Candidates will be required to fast (abstain from food) prior to the medical examination.
●Polygraph – The polygraph examination is used to confirm information obtained through the selection process.
USCP sworn employees who retired no more than 12 months prior to the date of application for a reemployed annuitant position will be waived from completing the medical, psychological, and polygraph examinations.
Background Investigation
The final phase of the selection process requires candidates to undergo a full background investigation that will include a thorough review and verification of the candidate's employment history, employer, residential, and personal references, in depth criminal and credit history, and academic records.
Must be a United States citizen.
Must meet position age requirements.
Must possess and maintain a valid U.S. driver's license.
Must show evidence of responsible driving in the last one year.
Male applicants must be registered for Selective Service.
Travel for hiring assessments and training is at applicant's expense.
Must successfully complete a full field background investigation.
Polygraph, medical assessment, criminal, credit, and tax check required.
Must successfully complete all required training.
Must successfully complete a probationary period.
Must have completed the FLETC CITP or USCP BATP or equivalent training program from the FBI, DEA or U.S. Postal Inspection Service.
Must be in a full and unrestricted duty status at the time of application and at the time of appointment.
Candidates must meet the following requirements to be minimally qualified for this position:
U.S. Citizenship -- Only United States Citizens will receive consideration. Qualified applicants will be required to provide proof of citizenship early in the selection process. Naturalized citizens must be able to participate and complete a holistic and verifiable background investigation of their personal and professional background.
Age Requirements -- Applicants must not have reached 58 years of age with waiver as of the time of application.
Education -- High School diploma or GED certificate is required.
Valid Driver's License -- Applicants must possess a valid U.S. driver's license that has not been revoked or under suspension for the past one (1) year.
Criminal History Check -- Must successfully pass a comprehensive criminal history check of the past 10 years.
●A criminal history check will be performed on all qualified applicants.
●USCP Police Officers are required to possess a firearm and ammunition. Applicants who have been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence cannot lawfully possess a firearm or ammunition and are ineligible for the position.
Credit Check -- Must successfully pass a credit check. Applicants must not be in default or delinquent on any Federal guaranteed student loans.
Selective Service Registration -- Male applicants must provide verification of registration with the Selective Service System or must verify exemption from the Selective Service System registration because of age or military status. Female applicants are exempt from Selective Service System registration.
Fingerprint Check -- Applicants' fingerprints will be submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for a check of the criminal history record.
Background Investigation -- Must successfully complete all components of the USCP full field background investigation.
There are few automatic grounds for rejection in the USCP background investigation process. Issues of misconduct, such as illegal drug use, arrests, or convictions may not be automatically disqualifying. However, deliberate misstatements, omissions, or intentionally withholding required information at any phase of the hiring process will result in a candidate's disqualification regardless of the nature or reason for the misstatement or omission. The primary reason candidates fail a background investigation is due to deliberately withholding or omitting material facts. Providing false and/or misleading information may be grounds for removal from the application and selection process.